The other day... I turned 39. This is somewhat annoying to me. Not only am I inching to the big 4-0, but I'm realizing I wasted so much time being unhealthy. But, I'm gonna keep working hard & am happy to say I feel & {hopefully} look the best I ever have. IN.MY.LIFE. I didn't have this body at 19. I didn't have it at 29. But now, I'm enjoying the rewards of eating healthy, being fit, taking care of myself. It's most definitely my birthday present to ME. If you're thinking about starting... stop thinking. Start doing. You won't be sorry.

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Measuring progress

I know a lot of people measure progress strictly by the scale. That's ok. I probably depend on the scale a little too much too. But, even if you're losing weight on the scale, how do you know your body is changing in the way you need it to? Optimally, you'd like to lose fat, not the precious muscle that you need to make that newly thin body look healthy, toned & with {minimal} jiggle. I should probably take my measurements, but somehow I take them once & then by the next time, my tape has mysteriously disappeared. Hmm. Life with kids. Anyway, recently, on a friends IG feed I noticed he had a body fat measuring tool. I really had no idea they existed, thought it was something you had to have a trainer or doctor take for you. I ordered mine off Amazon {one of my favorite places}, asked some stupid questions {I'm clueless} & when it arrived a few days later, took my first reading.

I  really had no clue what I'd be. Hoping for under 30% dreaming of about 20%. Ha. I'm on the shorter side, curvy & tend to gather pudge all over. So, the reading was ok. I know I want to be in the low 20s. 26% puts me about mid-range of normal for my age group {20-39}. Eh. Not bad, but I know I have lots a fluff yet. You see, I barely, if at all exercised when I was losing a large portion of my weight. So, I might be making up for lost time here.

A little over a week later, I took another reading. 25.3. I was excited...I've been putting in the work in regards to exercise & eating. This is showing I'm moving in the right direction. This motivates me to keep pushing myself & thinking I could just get to that 20%. I'm definitely seeing & feeling the differences too. I can feel {& sometimes see} the muscle in my legs, abs & arms. I can tell I'm losing the fat & gaining the muscle.

150.4 | 25.3% 

150.4 | 25.3% 

So, that's my "this is where I'm at" photo as of 8.25. Every Sunday I post my progress on my IG feed {click on the bottom of my site on the little IG icon to follow me}. Initially I was die hard on trying to get rid of that mush right above my c-section scars, & it's definitely reducing, I'm not sure if it will completely go away. But I'm excited for the changes I'm seeing in other parts that I wasn't so focused on... things I didn't think I could change.


Here's to kickin' that voice in the a$$ . If I can do it, so can you. xo Robyn

>>>If you want to find one of the BF calculators I show above, you can go HERE <<<